Taiwan Taoyuan 30 Songs
Roro (Robin J. CHIANG) An explorer of new age spiritual music, vegan composer, media music producer.His music maintains the essence of traditional music from east to west. Using the contemporary music technology, soaring through the realms from spirituality to divinity. He uses various composing techniques, merging different styles in his music. From delicate piano pieces, western artistic music, Chinese/western ensembles, to large orchestral pieces,……. 姜建軍,作曲家、跨領域媒體音樂製作人、新世紀心靈音樂探索者。作品保有東西方傳統音樂之精萃,並運用現今音樂科技,游走心靈、古典音樂的領域世界!其音樂手法融匯各種風格語法,從別緻精巧的鋼琴小品,西方藝術音樂、中西樂器的特性掌握,大至管絃樂隊編制的交響曲寫作,皆可見其高度擅長之所在。如需洽詢請至: