Awesome music created and updated by experts
We provide all sorts of commcercial music for your commercial and creation needs
High quality authorization is up to NT$ 350
Playlists for You
Hard to choose? We made some collections for you.
A Fully Open Platform
Through its open platform, AddMusic stocks its database with content from outstanding musicians all over the world. Not only are our contents evaluated using the most stringent standards, our thoughtfully chosen tags and advanced search system help you quickly find the tunes that suit you most. Let high quality music enhance your work with more zing!
About UsSimple Authorization Process
AddMusic simplified complicated legal issues and authorization processes, providing tailor-made authorization categories and prices for all kinds of needs. In this way, you get to use the most cost-efficient method to obtain music legally. Furthermore, because every song goes for the same price, you can enjoy the music with no worries!
About PricingEditable Stems
So you finally found a song you liked but feel that something’s not quite right? Do you want your song to mix more tightly with your video? You can purchase the Stems editing feature! It gives you the rights to re-make your music and adjust it at will to suit your project needs. Now you can face all those client change requests without worries!
About StemsPayment Methods