Terms of Membership

AddMusic is a service established and provided by AddMusic Co., Ltd. It provides a platform through which vendors and purchasers may trade in music usage authorizations. All users, upon completing registration or starting service use, are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to all stipulations specified within the Terms of Agreement below:

Member Registration

  • A member must be a fully able person or a legally registered corporation or organization. Members must complete the registration process, which includes filling out the member profile data form and providing relevant documents or information required as part of registration and authorization procedures. To provide members with comprehensive services, AddMusic reserves the right to use (identity and contact) information that members provide for its authorization, financial, transaction, marketing, promotion, and other needs.
  • Members should ensure that the information they provide are current, accurate, and not under a third party’s identity. If changes to member data should arise, members should update their information accordingly. If purchase or authorization errors occur because a member does not provide information promptly, does not follow directions when providing information, provides inaccurate or falsified information, or does not promptly update changes to its information, AddMusic may decline or suspend all or part of the services provided to the member.


  • AddMusic provides online trading platform services that make it convenient for buyers to search and acquire authorization and help sellers authorize reproduction of their music such that buyers can publically broadcast and transmit them in their advertisements, short films, movies, software, and so forth.
  • All music posted on AddMusic, including but not limited to lyrics, tunes and recordings, are independently uploaded and provided by the sellers. Our service evaluates the music for content accuracy only, and AddMusic does not state nor imply any guarantees or promises in regard to the music’s quality, safety, and legality.


  • Once a piece of music that’s posted on AddMusic has been purchased, the buyer must pay the seller the pre-set authorization price, using payment methods provided by AddMusic.
  • AddMusic reserves the rights to add, adjust or change chargeable items and fee standards at any time. It may announce such changes on its web site, or provide notification via email.

Commitments and Responsibilities

  • Members are responsible for keeping their account and password information safe. Members must use their own account and password when using any AddMusic services and functions, and may not transfer their account or give account usage authorization to any third party. Any actions taken after logging in using a particular set of account and password shall be considered as actions taken by the account holder. If a members finds or suspects that his or her account and password have been misused or compromised, the member ought to contact AddMusic immediately.
  • When choosing the scope and purpose of authorized use, members should purchase the appropriate type of authorization based on actual use and situation, while taking into consideration any future related uses and expansion plans. The member shall also provide accurate information for authorization. Any false, inaccurate, fraudulent or misleading information is not allowed.

Suspension and Termination

  • Should a member use illegal or wrongful means to obtain explicit or implied authorization of intellectual properties from AddMusic, or bypass the legal authorization procedure of AddMusic and use, reproduce or disseminate such properties in any form or information, the actions shall be deemed as copyright infringement or breach of contract.
  • AddMusic reserves the rights to revoke membership and terminate authorization contracts for members who violated laws, infringe upon copyrights, breach membership contracts, or perform other such acts. These members shall also be responsible for compensation of relevant damages to AddMusic and other third parties.

Liability Limitation

AddMusic endeavors to maintain regular operation and safety for the system and its services. However, AddMusic shall only provide services based on its actual circumstances and does not state nor imply any promises and guarantees for situations that include (but are not limited to): scheduled maintenance, service suspension with cause, system or data error, special member demands, system or software interferences, etc..

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  • This Membership Contract, its relevant terms of use, measures, guiding principles, policies, relevant services and explanations, are based upon the laws of Taiwan (Republic of China).
  • Should a dispute between a member and AddMusic, with respect to its service, membership contract and relevant terms of use, measures, guiding principles, policies, services or explanations, lead to litigation, the Taiwan Taipei District Court shall be used as the court of first instance.