Become An Author
Authorize Your Music for Commercial Use!
Welcome to AddMusic! Before you become a seller, we would like you to understand a few simple things:

Welcome to AddMusic! Before you become a seller, we would like you to know the following:
Free, and Easy to Start
AddMusic helps you authorize your work for commercial use. You can read our Upload Guidelines for the correct way to upload your work, which we will evaluate quickly. We also recommend that you to upload your original Stem in zip files, using the formatting we provide. Not only would it make your work better suit your buyer’s needs, it can also enhance your sales income!
Once sold, the music’s commercial value and influence are beyond our control. Therefore, before you upload your work, you must ensure that the music is your original creation or that you have received the legal right to resell or manage the music files for profit, so as to not infringe on copyrights or the law!
Single-Use, Permanent License
AddMusic offers “Single-Use, Permanent License”. Every time you sell your music, the buyer is authorized to use it in a single piece of work, such as one advertisement, one gaming app, or one short film, and the authorization is valid for all time. However, copyrights to the music remain yours, which means you can authorize your music an infinite number of times!
We categorize our authorization licenses into different categories, each priced differently, to suit different usage needs and scopes of use. Here you can find details for our terms of Pricing.
Every Author have management interface. It's a great way to understand your selling and income. At the same time, you have your own showcase as your portfolio. Customers can straightly buy your music by credit card.
Whenever your income reaches $5,000 NT, you can apply for a cash-out. Once your application is received, AddMusic will transfer the funds to your designated account.